MEMO: For NDSCS Members Only
See NDSCS Bulletin Board for
upcoming events.
- President Ira Cotton invites all NDSCS members
to become active in some aspect of the society, such as preparing articles for the
newsletter or sending state or local news to the Editor. Such news could include changes
in your state's waterfowl licensing program, duck-related exhibits in a local stamp show,
or anything else that might be of interest to our membership. If you want to become even
more active, there are opportunities to join our Operating Board. To explore becoming an
officer of the society, contact Ira Cotton To
contact the editor of "Duck Tracks," send email to Peter Martin
- Membership Renewal: Please check your mailing
label to see if your dues are expired. All memberships with an expiration year of 2000 and
earlier are now past due. Renewal rates are $20.00 - 1 year; $35.00 - 2 years; $55.00 - 3
years; or $90.00 - 5 years. Contact Tony at
for more details. Follow this link to make your Dues
Payment Online.
- NDSCS Master File/Roster Information Update:
Please mail any corrections to Anthony Monico, Secretary, P.O. Box 43, Harleysville, PA
19438-0043 USA or via e-mail
- Members are asked to contact Anthony (Tony) Monico at with their e-mail addresses.
- NDSCS Dealer Members, please contact for a free listing
on the web page under Dealer Links.
